Monday, October 18, 2010

Talk of the new season of anime

Well, here I will talk about in the next few days the new anime season, and any and all shows I'll be keeping up with. Not following many shows right now, but I'll let you what I think of the ones I do watch. My first will be about Gainax's new show Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. I'll post about the first two episodes in one future post since the show doesn't really have a plot to it.

Also, I'll be posting with each anime comment / mini-review a single picture that I either liked, was confused by, or creeped out by from the anime itself. Oh it will be fun(?). See you around when I do so.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hopefully I'll maintain this one for more than a week.

Anyway, here I will post about whatever comes to mind.

So yeah, I'll see you around later.